This fund enables CMML to offer a full range of services to its missionaries without a charge by helping the organization meet its operating expenses, including staff salaries, office expenses, and missionary visits.

This fund helps missionaries rest and recharge at our CMML Missionary Guest Home, by providing a place that is comfortable, friendly, and free.

This fund stimulates a passion for and engagement in missions to readers of all ages by providing an award-winning publication that is free of charge.

This fund helps the CMML Clothing Center purchase needed clothing, toiletries, and other items. For more than 60 years, the CMML Clothing Center has offered toiletries and new and gently used clothing and accessories to missionaries and commended workers free of charge.

This fund helps cover costs associated with CMML's many conferences, including our annual events like 26 Below, Reaching Higher, and the Fall Conference.
This fund supports the costs associated with the creation, printing, and distribution of the annual Missionary Prayer Handbook.